‘Ti Deltaa’ to be launched for LAWRA Women empowerment on Saturday
As part of efforts to empower women in Commerce, Skill acquisition, AgriBusiness, Cottage industry through soap making, weaving, batik tie and dye and Shea processing that will benefit women within the Lawra area and beyond, a first-ever women group Ti Deltaa is set to be unveiled on Saturday, December 1, 2018
Under the auspices of the Member of Parliament (MP) for Lawra Constituency Anthony Abayifaa Karbo, Financial support will be facilitated to women through the project in rural communities to engage in economic ventures among a number of interventions.
As a measure of poverty eradication, ‘Ti Deltaa’ Women’s group focuses on rural savings mobilization, the disbursement of revolving soft loans, the creation of employment opportunities and skills development for women in the Municipality.
Through the enhanced apprenticeship and other programs, the group intends facilitate artisanal training and start-ups for young girls and women in vocations such as bead making, basketry, soap making, dressmaking, Inculcate the savings habit in the women, supported by the disbursement of soft bans to members for petty trading and other viable economic ventures, Identify and harness opportunities like financial and technical support for women to go into farming at low cost.
It is also aimed providing agro inputs, services, and women friendly farming technologies for women to go into farming at low cost and will advance financial support through a revolving loan fund to small women entrepreneurs who have the skills and have undergone training in “Understanding Your Business” & “Savings Mobilizations” to commence or expand commercial activity among others.
The association would be officially outdoored on December 1, 2018.
Source: MyNewsGh.com