Thieves invade Buipe Headmistress

The headmistress of Buipe Senior High School at the Central gonja district in the Northern region,Madam Mercy Aluba has been evaded by thieves.

According to Madam Aluba,she attend funeral at Damongo and couldn’t return same day. These thieves took everything in her bedroom including her kitchen utilities  at the bungalow.

Lack however was not on their side when the police patrol team on the Tamale-Kintampo road chanced upon them. The thieves managed to pack the vehicle and bolted into the bush. The patrol team towed the vehicle to the Buipe divisional police with the belongings and handed it over to the police.

Speaking to Madam Mercy,she thanked the Police patrol team and also praised God for making it possible retrieve her belongings. She said not even a her curtains were spared.


Source: Zion Abdul Rauf. Damongo

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