Deputy Information Minister Kojo Oppong Nkrumah explained government through the paperless port system has sealed all the “revenue loopholes” at the ports.

And its for good reason because government needs to “fund an agenda we all agree is ambitious.”

He called it a “balancing act” of satisfying the dealers and closing loopholes and government is trying to “walk that fine line.”

The shop owners at Abossey Okai cannot find that line. The only line they can find is the bottom line of prices going up and their praises going down.

Kojo Oppong Nkrumah

The tax abolishment promise has been fulfilled but another revenue improvement promise that has left them feeling unfulfilled and the dealers feel they have been dealt a raw deal.

And so the people in Abossey Okai who saw Akufo-Addo and liked him are not happy.

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo had been in Abossey Okai in November 2017 to thank the dealers.

He told them that if they had not “thrown its support behind the NPP and myself, winning power would have been extremely difficult, so I am grateful to you.”

There was applause. Now there is a pause.

For them, its fast becoming a fact that the political pact has had no impact and government must act fast.