The burning flames without FIRE

Root holds the strength of a tree, how can a tree live without a root. A tree live with a number of roots, what if some is taken away, what is the assurance that it survives?
I fear the future of this institution, it’s really unpresidented to see our leaders to be (SRC aspirants) not being able to strive enough at their vetting hmmmm!!!.
What will be the outcome if they have been given the node to lead the whole student populace? The question is quite rhetoric.
Some of these aspirants would actually find their way into the streams of the SRC office and others may find themselves in the streams of national politics one day in future, it really unfortunate for Cape Coast Technical University.
Student lamenting that, some aspirants were not able to make it due to their misconduct, others said, the constitution of the Electoral Commission of Cape coast technical university is also a fault.
Some aspirants threat on sabotaging the incoming “SRC election”, others threats to inflict pains in the shivers of their spine of the Electoral Commissioner’s (EC Executives) not with standing their calibre of dignity.
Student’s submission towards the vetting result started claims on calling for a *”Demonstration”* if only their choice of aspirants are not short-listed to be eligible towards the SRC- Election and will cause havoc which will lead to the cancellation of this year’s SRC election.
Indeed, the burning flames without fire are words which are coming from some student’s to the Electoral Commissioner’s (EC Executives) to encourage them to stand firm to continue with their mandate.
“The burning flames without fire are all noise!!!…”
Communist: Nana Kwaku Boamah Isaac Junior- Ikeberry.
Source: Boamah Isaac