The best penis comes from a skinny nigga who smokes a lot of weed…Queen Cindy

A lady by name, Queen Cindy wrote a tweet that, “the best dick comes from a skinny nigga who smokes a lotta weed” and many people picked interest in the topic which received almost 10,000 retweets with hot debates.
The fact is that, sexual satisfaction is one factor that some women consider to be a component of a good relationship aside money and love. In fact, many women are very particular about it and some even use it as yardstick to measure who a “real man” is.
Following this general interest in the topic, we decided to do a research into her claims and ascertain whether there is an existing relationship between a slim weed smoker and a good sexual experience. According to our checks, Cindy’s statement is partially correct. Research actually established that, weed generally influences sexual performance generally.
According to a reportage by Forbes, a research study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine (JSM), shows that, Marijuana enhances and increases sexual performance. The researchers sampled 28,176 women and 22,943 men nationwide who were surveyed by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) via a questionnaire.
The results revealed that “Marijuana use is independently associated with increased sexual frequency and does not appear to impair sexual function. In fact, daily users across all demographic groups reported having 20% more sex than those who have never used cannabis.”
Deducing from the research finding, we can confidently say that, the lady actually has some element of truth in her statement even though the “slim nigga” factor was missing. Have you ever had sex with a slim man who smokes weed? What was your experience? Kindly share your thoughts with us.