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TESCON member allegedly assaulted after ‘disrespecting’ Mahama speaks



A member of the Tertiary Students Confederacy of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) – TESCON – was allegedly assaulted by supporters of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) after he allegedly disrespected the party’s flagbearer, former President John Dramani Mahama.

The TESCON member reportedly accused Mahama of lying about comments he had made about the NPP’s flagbearer, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, while Mahama was addressing students of the Christian Service University during their 50th-anniversary event on Thursday, June 21, 2024.

Speaking to the media, the victim said he was infuriated when the former president stated, “Ghana is not a concert party to be left in the hands of a comedian.”

“I also said at the top of my voice, ‘Mahama, this is a lie; you will lose the 2022 election,'” he recounted in Twi.

The TESCON member claimed that immediately after his outburst, he began receiving threats of harm.

He alleged that before Mahama could finish his speech, he received a severe slap in the auditorium where the event was taking place.

He indicated that while Mahama was concluding his speech, attempts were made to escort him to safety, but the agitated supporters caught up with him and beat him mercilessly.

The victim affirmed that his support for Vice President Dr. Bawumia remains steadfast despite the attack he endured.

He added that he is prepared to risk his life to ensure that the vice president becomes the next president of Ghana.

Watch his remarks in the video below:


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