Teacher licensure: 400 thousand teachers to be laid off by September 2019-Private schools warn

The Ghana National Council of Private Schools (GHNACOPS) has warned that over four hundred thousand (400,000) untrained teachers are set to be laid off by September 2019, following government’s insistence of continuing with the teacher licensure examination.
The Council in a press release issued and copied to the media noted that the effect of the Teacher Licensure Examination will be that, 400 thousand untrained teachers in private schools across the country would be sacked from post.
“Teachers licensure would lay off over 400,000 untrained teachers in private schools in Ghana, coming September” they opined.
The Government of Ghana introduced the compulsory Teachers and Nurses Licensure Exams in 2018 to ensure all teachers and Nurses are licensed before they practice effective September 2019 in both public and private schools.
But the Ghana National Council of Private Schools argue that it is practically impossible for all the teachers in the system currently to pass the Licensure Examination by the stipulated period of September 2019.
In their opinion, government must be flexible in the matter by extending the time and allowing the teachers the space they require to prepare for the examination in order that the impending layoffs will be curtailed.
Source: BestNewsGH