Tarkwa NDC STONES MP for insulting chiefs of Wassa Fiase Traditional Area
At a press conference on 18th February, 2020, addressed on behalf of the party by George Enimil Gadd; The Secretary to Tarkwa Nsuaem Constituency (TNC) NDC, the party expressed disgust for the recurring pattern of disrespect and disregard towards the Chiefs and people of Wassa Fiase traditional area, by George Mereku Duker; MP for Tarkwa Nsuaem.
“Our Member of Parliament since he was elected has consistently and in a fashionable manner shown gross disrespect to the chiefs and the people of this constituency and Wassa Fiase Ttraditional area in general”.
Referring to the MP’s utterance where he claimed to be the only person who has the will to talk to the President in order to bring rather unconvincing and unbefitting developmental projects to his constituency, the MP also alleged that some elements in the Wassa Fiase Traditional area are on the move to destroying his person.
TNC NDC says “We wish to state without any hesitation that Wassa Fiase has an army of fine brains who have occupied various senior positions under successive presidents and served with honor and respect. We wish to state that if the MP is being haunted by his incompetence and immense failure to deliver on his mandate”.
They gave the MP an ultimatum of 72 hours to come out and publicly apologize to the people of Wassa Fiase Traditional Area.
Source: Thepressradio.com|Ahmed Issah|Contributor