Talented Ghanaian Urban Gospel Rapper “L.O” is set to release a new single dubbed “Psalm 150”

Ghanaian gospel rapper and wiseborn entertainment signee – L.O, took to his media pages to hint his fans on the release of the much envisioned single dubbed “Psalm 150”
L.O praises the lord with an outstanding lyrics and wordplays and also talks about how wonderful God is.
The song “Psalm 150” undoubtedly will become a hit song that will bang on the airwaves both local and international.
Psalm 150 was produced by the legendary “Kwasat” and will inspire music loving fans as L.O divulges an untold revelation.
His recent single dubbed “Aturne” got about 10,000 plays across various outlets and it’s also gaining him recognition.
Kindly check out the trending video of his currently released single..
Source: Theprassdio.com||Ghana||Dickson Boadi