Rainstorms coupled with thunderstorms have hit an ECG transformer stationed at Abrepo-Bronikrom resulting in...
Evangelist Patricia Oduro Koranteng, popularly known as Nana Agradaa, is reeling in excitement...
• The police in the Nkwanta North district have refused to touch the...
A forty-year-old man, Kojo Adu died instantly at Assin Akropong in the Central Region...
A report convened from the media is that, a heavy tunder has raided one...
The disqualified presidential candidate of the United Progressive Party (UPP) Mr. Akwasi Addai Odike...
Information picked and watched live on Nana Agradaa’s Thunder TV indicates that the popular...
Shocking news gathered by My News Ghana has it that three (3) siblings have...
Twenty people were killed on Wednesday when a lightning strike damaged a high-voltage power...
Some 20 people were killed by a lightning strike on high-voltage power lines in...