Duncan Williams ‘arrests’ spirit of Coronavirus

The deadly Coronavirus causing scare and killing hundreds across the world has been ‘arrested’ in the spirit realm by Founder of the Action Chapel International, Archbishop Duncan-Williams.

The deadly virus is fast spreading in China since it broke in Wuhan and the death toll now stands past 1,600 per World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics.

Ever since the disease surfaced in China, many countries are on the alert to ensure it does not find its way to their setting.

It has however found its way into other countries including Egypt in recent times.

In a prayer post by the Archbishop, he commanded the virus which he says is demonic and meant to cripple nations to wither and die.

He cast out the ‘spirit’ behind the virus, whiles attacking its roots.

Praying specifically for the country Ghana, he said;

“By divine authority, I command the spirit behind coronavirus be arrested in the name of Jesus, we attack it at its root.”

The death toll from China’s coronavirus epidemic jumped past 1,600 on Sunday, as the World Health Organization (WHO) praised the country’s efforts to contain the new disease, saying they have “bought the world time” and that other nations must make the most of it.

More than two dozen countries have confirmed cases and several have suspended trade and travel links with China in a bid to contain the spread of the virus.

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