Samuel Agyei, known in the industry as Long Face who is known for his...
Sad news coming from the Kumawood camp indicates that Mrs Mavis Yeboah popularly known...
Kumawood actress, Awo Yaa has detailed why she divorced her husband. Speaking in an...
Report reaching Pinaxonline indicates that Kumawood Actor Andrews Mensah popularly known as Scorpion has...
Popular Kwmawood Actor who was earlier reported dead after Obituary Posters of him went...
Kumawood Actor Identified as Akwasi Mensah has decided to trend on a bad note to...
Sekyere Amankwah, one of the heavyweights in the Kumawood industry has been reported dead....
Popular Kumawood actor, Samuel Agyei, widely known as ‘Long Face’, has been rendered crippled...
Reports reaching the desk of My New Ghana indicate that popular Kumawood Andrew Ntul...
Kumawood actress Christiana Awuni has disproved allegations that she had a hand in Bishop...