In our series of letters from African journalists, Joseph Warungu captures the frustrations of Kenyans who have...
Kenyans online are outraged after the ministry of health spent huge sums on tea, snacks and mobile...
Kenyans wishing to return home from China will be able to do so next Friday – but...
The Kenyan police have killed 12 people in an attempt to enforce a dawn to dusk curfew...
Kenya’s Vincent Kipsegechi Yator, who survived a nasty accident to finish third at Honolulu Marathon last year,...
Coronavirus cases in Kenya stand at 122 after 12 more people tested positive. Health CAS Mercy Mwangangi said...
Kenya’s police chief has ordered an investigation into the death of a 13-year-old boy said to have...
A group of Kenyan youths have killed a man they suspected had the deadly coronavirus. The...
A 25-year-old man who killed his friend during a drinking spree after they differed over a woman...
Kenyans are queuing up to view the body of the country’s longest-serving president, Daniel arap Moi, as...