Felix Kwakye Ofosu, a former deputy Minister under the erstwhile Mahama administration has...
Hearts of Oak defeated WAC 1-0 Executive Council member of the Ghana Football...
Three players have been handed 3-year suspensions after been found guilty of double registration...
Kurt Okraku, GFA President The Ghana Football Association is set for a €30,000 payment from Asante...
The newly renovated Baba Yara Sports Stadium is among 11 venues to have...
Henry Asante Twum, the Communications Director of the Ghana Football Association, has disclosed...
CK Akonnor was sacked by the FA over poor performance Prior to being...
General Overseer of God’s Crown Chapel, Rev. Reindolph Oduro Gyebi ‘Eagle Prophet’ has...
Black Queens head coach, Mercy Tagoe Quarcoo has criticized both the government and the Ghana FA’s poor...
Barring any last-minute u-turn, Serbian coach Milovan Rajevac will be appointed head coach...