An angry miner involved in illegal mining, commonly known as galamsey, has threatened to...
Osaberima Atta Appeakrong Agyei II, Chief of Akyem Anyinasin in the Abuakwa North constituency...
A 25-year-old young man identified as Alhassan Yussif, an excavator driver, working with a...
An excavator operator has been sentenced to 8 years imprisonment by the Cape Coast...
Kate Gyamfua, the National Women’s Organiser of the governing NPP has vowed to...
Some Chiefs in the Central region have urged the government to stop burning their...
One person was killed when two unidentified men raided a mining site at...
The Minister-designate for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation Dr Kwaku Afriyie, has suggested that Ghana...
Although Professor Frimpong Boateng is no more in office as Minister of Environment, Science,...
Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng Minister for Environment, Science, Technology & Innovation and also Chairperson for the...