IMAGE COPYRIGHTREUTERSimage captionThe Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia once housed 500 children A mass grave...
IMAGE COPYRIGHTGETTY IMAGESimage captionFamilies began to bury some of the victims on Sunday Afghan families have been...
Bright Appiah, Executive Director of Child Rights International has hinted that very soon, his organization will...
IMAGE COPYRIGHTGETTY IMAGES The Duke of Edinburgh’s four children will walk alongside his coffin at his funeral...
IMAGE COPYRIGHTTCHIMA ILLA ISSOUFOU/BBCimage captionThe remains of desks are all that is left from the straw-hut classrooms...
A pregnant woman together with her two children and husband have all been burnt to death...
Two children have met their premature death in the car of Prophet Evans K. Oppong of Light...
The projects were completed almost a year ago, but the pupils and students are yet to benefit...
Prince Osei, a 38-year-old driver, who is accused of kidnapping his two kids has appeared before an...
Kennedy Agyapong is unhappy about the way some of his colleagues decide to endorse the irresponsible behaviour...