South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and the Comoro Islands Azali Assoumani (who now holds...
Despite consistent assurances made by high-ranking Russian officials that Africa is “in the mainstream...
After a careful research to find the meaning and implications of the term “multipolar...
Under the aegis of the Russian-African Club of Moscow State University named after M.V....
Russian and African media representatives and practitioners marked the 30th anniversary of World Press...
Within the context of rapidly geopolitical changes and the Russia-Ukraine crisis, African leaders have...
Understandably more than three decades after Soviet collapse, Russia has few well-trained multipolar-oriented specialists...
The South African Institute of International Affairs has put into circulation its latest policy...
As popular and interesting, Africa is rich with enormous untapped resources. From the interpretation...
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expresses desperate fears and is highly nervous over possible...