A devastating accident involving four vehicles has occurred on the Pokuase Highway, leaving one...
At least seven people have been confirmed dead in a road crash that occurred...
Elrad Salifu Amoako, the 16-year-old son of Bishop Salifu Amoako, was involved in a...
Three people died on the spot while 15 others were seriously injured in a...
In a tragic incident near Binduri in the Upper East Region, one soldier has...
CCTV footage revealed how a sudden accident at East Legon on Saturday, October 12,...
Two young women who are yet to be identified have been burnt beyond recognition...
Ghanaian musician Kofi Kinaata has been involved in a tragic motor accident on Sunday,...
Firefighters from the Sekondi Metro Station on Friday swiftly responded to an accident at...
Two people have been reported dead with others injured after an accident at Nangode...