Supreme Court annuls UEW Pro-V-C election

Ghana’s Supreme Court has annulled the election of Professor Andy Ofori-Binkorang as Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW).
Until his election, Professor Ofori-Binkorang was the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Communications.
When Prof Ofori-Binkorang was appointed for elections, a lecturer of the UEW, Dr Kaakyire Duku Frimpong, filed an injunction at the Winneba High Court in June 2019 to stop the election from taking place but the suit was dismissed on procedural grounds and the election took place.
But Dr Frimpong, dissatisfied with the decision, headed to the Supreme Court with his suit.
The apex court eventually ruled that the original case be heard in full by the High Court.
This, therefore, makes the election of Prof Ofori-Binkornag null and void.
Dr Frimpong, in his suit, had said participation in the process for the election of a Pro-Vice-Chancellor was limited to a chosen few to the disadvantage of other equally qualified persons.