Suntreso Hospital sets up committee to investigate 30-year-old pregnant woman death

Authorities at the Suntreso Government Hospital in Kumasi have set up an independent committee to investigate the circumstances that led to the death of a pregnant woman, who was allegedly denied entry in Labour Ward by some health workers there.

The Medical Director of the Hospital, Dr. Agyarko Poku told OTEC NEWS’ Kwasi Acheampong, the committee has one week to investigate the issues and present a recommendation to the management in line with its findings, for immediate action.

A 30-year-old pregnant woman died with her unborn baby at the health facilty in Kumasi on Wednesday, 4 July 2018 after staff on duty refused her entry into the labour ward because her husband could not immediately pay a GHS500 ‘Doctor Motivation Fee’.

Angela Afriyie Agyemang later died at the theatre just as her husband had made available the GHC 500 fee for which she had been denied medical attention.

“The Terms of Reference of the committee are to investigate the circumstances that led to the death of Mrs. Angela Afriyie Agyemang and to establish whether there was negligence of duty on the part of staff in the handling of the patient,” Dr. Agyarko Poku revealed.

“Though investigation will be on going, the staff involved will be at post to offer their services to patients. Per the structures of the hospital, staff under investigation like this is made to remain at post. There are a lot of patients here and staff here is limited, putting them aside will have serious negative effects in the administering of health care to our numerous patients,” he added.

Source: Ghana/

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