Staff of KATH blocked out of social media, YouTube during working hours to improve performance

According to, all KATH staff cannot access social media during working hours at the hospital because management has deactivated its network systems to improve patient care.
Announcing this, Professor Otchere Addai-Mensah, CEO of KATH, said the priority of staff should remain the lives of their patients and that anything that would threaten that must be taken out.
He also said that blocking access to YouTube and other social media platforms is not the only measure the hospital is taking in this direction, all in an attempt to improve the safety and comfort of patients, the report added.
He said that the hospital had blocked its “[IT] system to YouTube and other social media platforms to prevent staff from possible loss of concentration on patient care through the use of such platforms.”
Prof. The CEO made this announcement when he addressed the staff during their end-of-year performance review conference in Kumasi.