SSNIT to stop paying monthly benefits to pensioners in 2020

The Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) says it will from February 2020 cease payment of monthly benefits to all pensioners who fail to biometrically register with the scheme.
All names pensioners on SSNIT who have not done the biometric registration the scheme will automatically have their names deleted on January 31, 2020, a statement from the Trust announced.
In 2014, all members of the SSNIT Scheme, including pensioners, were requested to re-register biometrically.
Reminders were subsequently issued various channels for members/pensioners, but SSNIT said, “there are some pensioners who are yet to go through the biometric registration process”.
“The Trust would like to once again remind all its cherished pensioners who are yet to re-enrol biometrically to visit the nearest SSNIT Branch to do so, not later than January 31, 2020”.
Those who fail to comply with this last directive will have their monthly benefits stopped and will have their benefits restored only after the biometric re-registration.