Six smart ways to legitimately make money online without any special skills

They are thousands of smart legitimate ways to make money online that require no specials skills. You don’t need to steal or beg or take loans to get money. There is nothing so fulfilling than earning or making money from your own efforts.
I will highlight just few ways you can earn extra money part-time of fulltime while at home. You don’t need to be elsewhere in a queue or in the hot sun or have huge capital to start any of these mart ways to make money online.
Money doesn’t come by calling its name or by wishing for. You would need to make an effort either the smart way or the hard way to make it come to you.
Gigabytes of internet data are burned everyday consuming contents that excite us or have value to us. Have you thought of earning money the smart way from just consuming these data bundles? If you are ready to make your phone and internet data work for you, read this article from beginning to end to learn the various ways to make money online working from home.
To qualify for any of these smart ways to make money online, you would need nothing but your pc, phone, data and of course your time either part-time or fulltime. Ha-ha. Sounds simple right, The internet is one big pool of resources that can be tapped to make plenty money either part-time or full time. It would surprise you that there are billions of people online seeking for services you can provide remotely for money.
Don’t waste your talent doing nothing. Get paid solving problems from home online.
Below are a few smart ways you may consider earning extra cash working online:
You would wonder how much money you can make from being creative with photographs. There are thousands of companies and brands that needs high quality and creative photographs for advertising and marketing purposes. Graphic designers and creative agencies search the web every second for creative pictures to make their brands stand out.
It’s sad when people buy expensive phones with high grade cameras and all they could do with them is take selfies and make snaps. I will list few sites that encourage people to sell out their Photographs for money. Upload your pictures for money. How difficult is this one?
Photography tells a lot in the creative industry, brands would want to tell their stories in pictures because people appreciate and understand it better. Become a contributor to several photography sites and make money. All you need to do is sign up with any of these and several sites online and upload your photographs there.
For example you can specialize your photography skills in taking creative pictures of animals, special scenes, landscapes, people etc. There is no limit to the types of photos you can take.
Know the photography niche the website works with and you are good to go. You don’t need special skills to be a photographer, you need creativity.
500px, Alarmy, Shutterstock, Deposit photos etc are a few websites that pay for uploading or contributing your photography work.
Who burns out his old or unused stuff these days? What is old is new to someone elsewhere. Remember money was used to acquire whatever you felt is old and not needed anymore and that stuff can become useful to someone else. Do you not know as the old saying goes that one man’s trash and another man’s treasure?
The internet has made it possible for millions of people to buy and sell their used stuffs through online marketplaces.
You don’t need to rent a shop or pack those stuffs in a truck on the busy street looking for buyers. There are several websites online that encourages people to sell their used stuffs to make extra money. We have sites like jiji, tonaton, locanto, ghanabuysell, etc… with several product categories you can trade from.
Became an online private tutor. There are thousands of people who need special tutors in certain fields or subjects. It doesn’t always have to be you dressing up in suit or dress to stand in front of students to teach. No! Some people are too busy to attend classes or probably feel shy to sit with groups of people to study and need private online tutoring.
It would interest you to know that you can be anywhere and tutor anywhere. Sounds crazy right? Haha. It is very possible.
There are several online tutoring sites that are seeking the services of great and talented people like you to tutor in special subjects. Udemy, Skillshare, Teachable, etc. are a few websites you can make use of.
I know people who literally live 80% of their lives on social media. They have successfully made thousands and millions of followers and fans who love what they do. You wouldn’t want to just burn your data everyday Facebook-ing or Instagram-ing or twitter-ing etc when you can turn those spaces into money making channels. Who wouldn’t want to rent your social media space if you have thousands or millions of followers and fans.
Do you have any idea how much you can make everyday selling your spaces out to brands and companies who need to reach out to potential customers? Don’t waste such opportunities.
You can rent your whatsapp status for example for 10USD a day with views of over 2k or more.
Facebook and Instagram has stories which works just like whatsapp status and those spaces can be rented out to make money at no cost.
Do you know you can get paid for how fast you can type? How much money you make is dependent on how fast you are able to type within a given time.
This type of job is transcribing into words an audio or a video file. Typing accurately what you hear. This type of work is cool if you are a fast typist.
Just sit at home with a comfortable keyboard and get your fingers busy for money. Websites like transcribe me, Babble type , Click Worker, Casting Words etc.. Are a few who would hire you to sell out your typing skills.
You may also want to consider taking research surveys or sharing your opinions about subjects
for marketing purposes.
There are several companies and brands who need data on certain projects before they undertake them.
Your thought or opinion may matter here and its not for free, you get paid for doing so.
My Points, Opinion Outpost, Survey Junkie, Swag bucks etc… are a few who would be happy working with you.
In as much as you would want to make money online, you should also look out for phishing sites and scamming sites who promise online jobs for money in a deceptive way.
Some would only deceive you to undertake certain task that would end up stealing sensitive information from you.
You may want to check reviews of some websites before considering working with them.