SHOCKING: 15-Year-Old Boy Sentenced To Death

The South Sudan court has just sentenced a 15 year old secondary school boy to death, which its found that is against the international and South Sudan law.
Magai Matiop Ngong was just fifteen when he was sentenced to death in South Sudan. Tell the government to commute his sentence and stop using the death penalty against children.
Before his life changed forever, Magai loved running and gospel singing. He was in secondary school and had ambitions to help people when he grew up. Now, Magai lives in prison, and spends every day living in fear of execution for something that happened when he was fifteen.
According to his testimony in court, Magai’s had fired his father’s gun at the ground to warn off his cousin who as trying to stop him fighting with another boy in his neighbourhood. The bullet ricocheted and hit his cousin, who later died in hospital. Magai faced trial for murder without a lawyer. He was convicted and sentenced to death.
Our research shows that the death penalty is disproportionately used against poor and disadvantaged people. According to international law, and South Sudanese law, sentencing a child to death is illegal.
Last year Magai was finally given access to a lawyer who has helped him file an appeal. He finally has a chance to turn things around.
“My hope is to be out and to continue with my school.” Magai