Seven JHS students caught using charm ‘for girls’

Seven Junior High School students have been caught using love charms to woe girls in their class.
Pictures of a cream akin to the famous Mama Gee attraction creams and concoctions, have been sighted in a Facebook post by a teacher, Jay Song believed to hail from Tamale but his school is yet to be identified.
The unlabelled Shea butter like cream in a plastic container was procured by these seven boys from a “mallam” to help them in getting these girls.
Some wrapped red charms made of a paper was also discovered on these boys with one girl from the class with the name Amina boldly inscribed on the paper.
According to the teacher upon a thorough search on the class these creams and charms were discovered on the said boys and upon interrogation these students admitted that they went for it from a local mallam.
All the boys had to do to ensure the efficacy of the charm was to smear the Mama Gee like cream on their faces before coming to school and mention the names of their preferred girls while they write the girls name on the red paper and roll it.
It comes a few weeks after Mama Gee was picked up by the Food Drugs Authority (FDA) for selling unauthorized products which she claims sweetens the vagina and is also able to attract men for favours.