Scores of ‘violent’ MenzGold customers arrested at NAM1’s residence

About 100 aggrieved customers of the defunct gold-dealership firm MenzGold have been arrested by the police in Accra.
Police say the demonstrating customers who forced their way into the plush Trassaco Estate Wednesday to demand their locked-up investments from owner of the firm, Nana Appiah Mensah, were acting violently.
They were said to have assaulted the private security personnel who were manning the main gate to the estate to gain entry to disturb public peace.
A gunshot was reportedly fired from within the residence of Nana Appiah Mensah popularly known as NAM1, when the aggrieved customers attempted to break the gate to his house, a situation that created confusion within the area.
Gun-wielding police personnel arrived at the scene moments later and began chasing the customers some of who were arrested and drove away in police pick-up vehicles to the Police headquarters.