
How to make the best fresh watermelon juice

Watermelon is naturally sweet, satisfying, and refreshing. It is a perfect beverage for a hot afternoon, and can be enjoyed on an empty stomach, or whenever you need a refreshing drink.

According to Wikipedia, the history of watermelon dates back 5000 years to southern Africa, where the tough, drought-tolerant ancestor of watermelon thrived.

Although the exact identity of this plant is unknown, it was valued for its ability to store water and was used by indigenous people in the Kalahari Desert region.

We all recognize the importance of watermelon in the body: it has a high water content, vitamins, and essential nutrients, aids in healthy digestion, and helps keep you hydrated. It is very quick and easy to make, taking only 10 minutes to prepare.


1 Watermelon-medium size

Plain Water

1 lemon

1 cube ginger

Ice cubes –optional

1 to 2 tablespoons of mint leaves

Few mints leave for garnishing


1. Let’s begin by placing the watermelons in a bowl, adding water, and washing them well. Remove the skin from the ginger, wash it along with the lemon and watermelon, then chop the watermelon into smaller pieces.

2. In a blender, combine the chopped watermelon, ginger, and a tablespoon of mint leaves. There is no need to add water. Blend until smooth.

3. Pour the watermelon juice into a glass and add an ice cube if desired.

4. Garnish the watermelon juice with some mint leaves.

It’s that simple and refreshing. Enjoy!



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