SAD VIDEO: Man caught having sex with goat

REPORTS of a man (25) having sex with a goat in Afsondering village, Matatiele have shocked residents. Councillor of the area, Kabelo Pakkies, said he was coming from a community meeting on Monday evening when he was told by a community member that a goat was in agony, but they were not sure why.
“I rushed to check what was happening. I was worried because stock theft in our area is rife and I suspected that someone was trying to steal the goat,” he said.
Pakkies said they went to check at a nearby kraal where the sound of a tormented goat was coming from. “We got the shock of our lives when we saw that a man was having sex with a goat, and when he saw us he quickly let go of the goat.
“What startled us more is that the man said we must not take the goat away from him because he will replace the goat with another one.”
Pakkies said he took the matter very seriously. “I took the matter to the police because this man is a danger, even to the girls in our village especially if he is capable of doing something like this. “Itand#039;s a disgrace and we condemn this thing in the strongest terms,” he said.
The matter was reported to Afsondering police station, and members called the Kokstad SPCA.
SPCA inspector Chester Mgumane confirmed they had received such a report and are investigating.
“For the SPCA to act in this matter, the goat has to be taken to a vet where a sexual assault evidence collection kit from SAPS will be used to check for signs of sexual assault or penetration,” he said.
If the goat is found to have been sexually assaulted the SPCA will lay charges in terms of the Animals Protection Act no 71 of 1962, he said. “Having sex with animals is equal to animal cruelty and is not only unacceptable, it is illegal,” he said.
Reports from witnesses say the goat was swollen in its anal area when it was rescued.
Matatiele police spokesperson Lieutenant Raphael Motloung could not confirm whether a case of bestiality was opened at Afsondering police station at the time of going to press.