Leading – Edge academy earns $150,00 ultramodern academic facilities


Leading-Edge Academy, an academic institution located at Parkoso of Asokore Manpong Municipality has earned an ultramodern 8-unit classroom block  from a non-governmental organisation based in Suadi Arabia called An-Nur Charitable Society.

Aside the classroom block, the NGO again constructed an administration block and a mosque for the school all in the name of uplifting the academic status-quo of Leading-Edge Academy.
The construction of the facilities which cost $150,000 according to the Chief Executive Officer for the Academy Sheikh  Abdul Mushin-Baafi came about after the leadership of the foreign organisation visited the school last year and discovered that the school ( Leading-Edge Academy) was in deep need of classrooms among other academic facilities.
Speaking to this medium on the sidelines during the commissioning of the projects, Sheikh Abdul Mushin-Baafi indicated that the benevolent act demonstrated by the NGO has brought a great relieve to the school since it has succeeded it tackling one of the major challenges which was facing the academy, hoping that similar supports will be offered them by other organisations.
He indicated that the time is ripe for the upliftment of educational standards with the various Muslim communities in Ghana considering the low level of circular education suffocating a great number of zongo communities plus the worrying number of dilapidated Muslim schools.
According to the renowned Sheikh, there is an urgent need for a rapid academic transformation.
 This he underlined can only be achieved if Islamic scholars in the country unite and set measures in motion to address the situation.
Speaking during the commissioning, the Director for the Society Sheikh Hamad Al Muazaiyie  appealed to authorities of the academy to maintain the facility.
Present during the commissioning was Dr. Abass Shamsul who is the representative of the NGO in Ghana , Alhaji Lukman who is the  community chairman for Parkoso and council of Elders of Parkoso.
 Sheikh Baafi upon receiving the facility together with the staff of Leading edge academy gave thanks to almighty Allah, then the  philanthropist organization and edge the community to support them serve to serve them more.
Source: www.thepressradio.com / Akonnor

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