Retired GBC staff recounts 1983 gun battle in a failed attempt to overthrow Rawlings

A veteran Ghanaian broadcaster, Amankwa Ampofo, has recounted his experience during the failed attempt to overthrow the PNDC government led by Flt Lt Jerry John Rawlings in 1983.
In an interview with Oman Channel, the retired journalist recalled his days at the Ghana Broadcasting Cooperation and the events of June 19, 1983.
This was during the time when a failed coup attempt, led by Lance Corporal Carlos Halidu Giwa, saw a heavy exchange of fire in the compound of the state broadcasting firm.
“I remember in 1983-84, Giwa wanted to overthrow the government. He wanted to overthrow the government of Rawlings and that is how come Giwa was killed when he was arrested,” he stated.
Having been caught up in the exchange of fire that ensued during the attempted coup, Amankwa Ampofo told Theophilus Annan of Oman Channel that he had to lie on his stomach for about five hours to survive the heavy gunfire.
“But on that day, the pathetic thing was that I was on duty. I was a witness to the fighting in the compound of GBC during the Giwa coup. I had to lie on my stomach for five hours because you would not know which direction a gunshot is coming from if you raise up your head,” he recounted.
A little over a year after seizing power from the Limann administration, Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings was almost overthrown by men who used to be his allies.
On June 19, 1983, Lance Corporal Carlos Halidu Giwa, who was in the Ghana Army, led a military coup d’état with the help of other soldiers, including Sergeant Abdul Malik.
Some of the men made their way to GBC, where they announced taking over power from the PNDC government.
Their message to the nation was given by Carlos Halidu Gyiwa, who described himself as the Operational Commissioner of the Revolutionary Fighters.
Their reason for the attempted takeover was that “Flt Lt Rawlings and his team had been found to be inefficient. While he preached virtue, Flt Lt Rawlings practiced vice.”
Captain Courage Quashigah, however, led some soldiers to the broadcasting house and succeeded in taking over the place after a gun battle saw the rebels run away.
After taking over, Captain Quashigah broadcasted to inform the nation that the coup attempt had been foiled.