Rent Control Department Office Locked By Landlord Over Non-Payment Of Rent

The Rent Control Department office at Amasaman has been locked by the land lord over debt.
The owner of the office space, Mr. Joseph Naija Abugri stormed the premises with a padlock to lock it.
The landlord says for over 5 months, the government department is yet to renew their rent with him yet they continue to occupy the office.
Mr. Nsiah Abugri says for about 5 months he’s been chasing them but all his efforts have proven futile including a letter he wrote to the Rent Control head office at Ministries, Accra.
“When there is a dispute between a landlord and tenants, it’s the Rent Control Department that settles it. As the law requires of me as the landlord, I made an official report at the head office at Ministries. They asked me to direct it to the Amasaman office since that’s where my property is situated. In effect, they asked me to report to the same people who owe me,” Mr. Abugri said.
The landlord continued, “I was left with only one option – to buy padlocks and lock the facility. I’m demanding the full payment of the five months arrears.”
“I do not want them in my facility anymore. They should look elsewhere. There are plenty of houses in Amasaman that they can rent.” – he concluded