Rawlings wades into ‘murder’ of George Floyd

Former President Jerry John Rawlings has expressed disappointment in America and its citizens for what he describes as atrocities against black citizens in the United States.
He has described as shameful a recent incident where a white police officer was filmed kneeling on the neck of a black, George Floyd, despite the latter pleading he could not breathe.
George, 46, died shortly after, provoking protests by blacks in Minneapolis.
In a tweet Friday, May 29, the former Ghana president expressed discontentment with the way America looks on while such atrocities are carried out over the years.
He intimated such acts do not put America in a good light.
“America’s moral and political image has seriously declined since the collapse of the bipolar world. Parts of the world have suffered tremendously as a result of America’s love of war and and needless confrontations
“If some of these atrocities, especially from some white police officers against black citizens, cannot shock the American populace to see evidence of their own decline, what can? How can a police officer be the source of such cruel, violent death,” he tweeted.
While questioning why there has often not been justices for blacks victimized under such “cruelties”, the retired army officer further called on every American citizen to watch the viral video.
If some of these atrocities, especially from some white police officers against black citizens, cannot shock the American populace to see evidence of their own decline, what can? How can a police officer be the source of such cruel, violent death… pic.twitter.com/DqtfbzpAB7
— Jerry John Rawlings (@officeofJJR) May 28, 2020
Source: 3 News