Rawlings lied, I never hid under my wife’s bed on June 4th – Osahene Boakye Djan

Former Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) spokesman, Osahene Boakye Djan has said the controversial June 4 apprising wasn’t directed at any regime.
According to Boakye Djan at the time, he was commanding their troops so he was mobile and not stationed at one place.
The former Army major in an interview with Captain Smart on “Anopa B?fo?” on Angel 102.9FM Thursday June 4 2020, contested former President Jerry Rawlings’ assertion that he [Boakye Djan] hid under his wife’s bed in Tema in the heat of the June 4 Uprising in 1979.
He indicated that it was rather Jerry Rawlings who was missing in action on that fateful day and not him.
He asked how someone who has been tagged as a coward could be saluted by the likes of Rawlings and the late Kojo Lee when they met him after the coup.
“Rawlings and Late Kojo Lee met me and gave me the Black Power salute after it was put on the notice board that I could use the one hour for devotion to engage in ancestral worship,” he said.
He further said that he has not regretted for playing an active role in the Uprising.
“I don’t regret the June 4th Uprising. It wasn’t directed at any regime. I don’t regret that. I did what the law directed me to do…,” he said.