Rawlings’ boy SHREDS Valerie Sawyerr; describes her as pathetic, ridiculous and foolish

A staunch supporter of the Rawlings and an activist of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dela Coffie has taken on Dr. Valerie Sawyerr over the latter’s attacks on the former President.
In reaction to an article written by the former Deputy Chief of Staff under the John Mahama administration titled “Goliath, David is Coming”, Mr Dela Coffie described the poetic writer as pathetic, ridiculous and foolish in her attempt to dishonour the 1979 revolution.
“Well, before you prance around with your hideously ignorant and misinformed histrionics, let me remind you of a few pesky facts.
The NDC that you pride yourself in as a member is a direct descendant of June 4 1979 and December 31 1981. The party’s constitution rightly recognised this and it has internalized June 4 as the revolution day. Again, article 6 of the NDC constitution stipulates that flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings is the founding father of the NDC and the party was established on his vision and leadership.
Need I remind you that the flame of the NDC that gives you a sense of belongness was lighted back in June 4th 79 and December 31st 1981?
I am indeed trying my utmost not to be caustic but tell me Valerie; have your senses taken leave of you or you have actually taken leave of them? How could anyone in his or her sane mind who claims to be an activist of the NDC downplay the ideals of June 4th revolution?” he said in a Facebook Post sighted by MyNewsGh.com.
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Source: MyNewsGh.com