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Rawlings Apology: Some NDC execs. mad at me – Desoso



Some executives of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) are unhappy that Anita Desoso, National Vice Chairperson of the main opposition party, on Monday, 4 June 2018, offered a groveling apology to the party’s founder, Jerry John Rawlings, in the full glare of the public and on live TV during an event to mark the 39th anniversary of the June 4 Uprising at Madina.

Ms Desoso while appologising to Mr Ralwings said the former president, as a father, must forgive his errant children and let bygones be bygones.

“Now to my father – founder, I know your children we’ve erred, and I also know that you’re a human being and you have also done something; maybe it is not right and I was so happy when I heard you say that, when you brought that statement out rendering an apology – you are a hero. You are a hero.

“This shows that what you have taught me is still within me. If you are a leader, be prepared to say that I’m sorry. If you’re a child, be prepared to say that daddy I’m sorry. So, I’ll take this opportunity on behalf of the party to kneel down before my dad – please forgive us. Let us come together to build this country,” she pleaded.

Speaking on Ghana Yensom on Accra100.5FM on Tuesday, 5 June, Ms Desoso said: “Whatever we will do to unite the NDC we have to do it. Some NDC members and executives are angry that I appologised but I think over time they will understand why I did that.

“Even if we have 4 million NDC members and only two understand what I did, I am ok, I am very sure that I will be vindicated in the near future.”

Source: Ghana/

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