Rampaging SHS students to pay for damages; check out the amount [video]

After vandalizing school property in protest against sitting arrangements of 1.5 metres distancing in the examination hall, some 365 final year students of Nedewura Jakpa Senior High Technical School at Damongo are to pay dearly for their actions.

A bill of not less than one thousand cedis is expected to be imposed on each student for repairs of the damages caused to the school’s property.

By this, management will block the school’s website making it impossible for students to access their results from the internet until they foot the bill.

Municipal Chief Executive Officer of West Gonja Municipality, Saeed Muhazu Jibreal, who until his political appointment was a tutor of the school, said this when he came face to face with the students to deliver the President’s goodwill message to them.

Items such as Dining Hall furniture, a new six-unit classroom block, and a master’s bungalow, including furniture in the examination hall and Louvre blades, were all touched and vandalized.

Sources on campus also told Joy News that the students’ main target was to set ablaze the new six-unit classroom block meant to end double track but for the timely arrival of the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE).

Meanwhile, the Municipal Director of Education of West Gonja, Ferguson Akey, did not have kind words for the students. He said the directorate was highly disappointed in them for the show of total breakdown of discipline on campus.

The MCE also lauded the efforts by the management of Damongo Senior High School for the good teacher-student relation which, according to him, has manifested in the kind of discipline exhibited by students on campus.

Mr. Jibreal also encouraged students to continue to be disciplined and not go the ways of others.


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