Prostitutes in Koforidua cry over high demand for anal sex by customers

Commercial Sex workers in the Eastern regional capital, Koforidua have decried the rise in the number of men who opt for anal sex rather than vaginal sex.

According to them, it has become a worrying trend which is leading to several health complications among their members.

This revelation was made on Koforidua based Bryte FM in an interview with a commercial sex worker and owner of a brothel called Bula Spot.

The interview was occasioned by the raging LGBTQI debate in the country.

She indicated that a communique has been issued to halt anal sex among its members, but some of the women are compelled to do it because they need the money.

According to her, for the next two months, they have declared free vaginal sex for all men who think they are gay in order for them to have a change in perspective.

“We have decided to provide all these gay men with free hot sex for two months to change their perception about vagina sex – they will love vagina afterward”, she said.

She think gayism and lesbianism are not a good thing, so she is also calling on Ghanaian men to look for the lesbians and give them hot sex and multiple orgasms so they will have a change of mind.


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