Prestea Huni-Valley NDC accuses MCE of ‘financial misappropriation’

The Communications Department of the Prestea Huni-Valley National Democratic Congress in the Western Region has accused the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for the area, Mozart K. Owu of financial misappropriation.
In a statement issued by the Communications Department, the MCE was accused of inflating the cost of projects to enrich himself at the peril of the Municipality’s interest.
They alleged that “The MCE, since assuming office in an approach of wealth amassing style, has been quoting very high prices for the few projects he has started. For example, a 4-unit KG block with dining hall, headmaster’s office, staff common room, 4 seater toilet and a bathhouse at Bogoso Roman Catholic School that was constructed by the previous administration headed by Hon Robert Wisdom Cudjoe was costed GHC 243,423.53. But in less than a year after assuming office, the MCE is constructing a 2 Unit KG block with less facilities at Petepom at a cost of GHC 295,304.10”.
They added that “His involvement in act of financial malfeasance and corruption is mercifully killing the developmental agenda of the municipality”.
The statement emphasized that “The MCE as we speak can not give the public the cost of providing an additional facility to the slaughter house in Bogoso constructed by the previous administration”.
The statement concluded that “The communication bureau has identified lots of weaknesses on the part of the Municipal Chief Executive and we are entreating all stakeholders, especially, Nananom, the media and opinion leaders to serve as a watch dog to the municipal assembly in order to ensure probity, accountability and social justice in our daily service to the people who gave us the mandate”.
Below is the full statement
It is with great concern that the communication Bureau of the National Democratic Congress in the Prestea/ Huni – Valley Municipality brings to the notice of the general public about the wealth amassing life style and underhand dealings of the Municipal Chief Executive, Hon Mozart Kwaku Owuh in the award of contracts just to dubiously enrich himself at the peril of the municipality’s interest.
The MCE since assuming office commissions projects that were completed by the previous administration without acknowledging the previous administration. Notable among them is the slaughter house at Bogoso.
His involvement in act of financial malfeasance and corruption is mercifully killing the developmental agenda of the municipality.
The MCE, since assuming office in an approach of wealth amassing style, has been quoting very high prices for the few projects he has started. For example, a 4-unit KG block with dining hall, headmaster’s office, staff common room, 4 seater toilet and a bathhouse at Bogoso Roman Catholic School that was constructed by the previous administration headed by Hon Robert Wisdom Cudjoe was costed GHC 243,423.53. But in less than a year after assuming office, the MCE is constructing a 2 Unit KG block with less facilities at Petepom at a cost of GHC 295,304.10.
The MCE as we speak can not give the public the cost of providing an additional facility to the slaughter house in Bogoso constructed by the previous administration.
The recent one is the ongoing renovation works at the Prestea Magistrate Court. Looking at the shoddy nature and the magnitude of the renovation, we do not think the MCE took financial prudence into consideration before allocating GHC50,000.00 for the renovation works. This is a matter of great concern and more importantly at a time the municipal and the country at large are in financial problems. On the ongoing renovation works at Prestea, we think the follow must be done or answered.
1. The entire building, not portions needs to be renovated to a befitting standard.
2. Provide the identity of the contractor to be called to order for doing shoddy works.
3. We want to know whether the contract went through proper procedures before it was awarded to the contractor. We want to see a copy of the bidding document and the award letter.
The communication bureau has identified lots of weaknesses on the part of the Municipal Chief Executive and we are entreating all stakeholders, especially, Nananom, the media and opinion leaders to serve as a watch dog to the municipal assembly in order to ensure probity, accountability and social justice in our daily service to the people who gave us the mandate.
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