The Supreme Governing Council of the World Diplomatic Federation (WODIF) in Africa, headed by His Rt. Noble Lord Nana Obokom Ata IX, as Provost Commissioner for Africa, sent a delegation led by Her Noble Lady Lilian Afreh-Sika Boateng, the Secretariat Commissioner General of Africa, also accompanied by Senior Emissary Reuben Amartey Amaah and Her Noble Lady Emissary Abigail Sena Sosu to have a successful close guided meeting with the Mr. Akwasi Awuah Ababio the Director of Diaspora Affairs under the Office of the President.
The closed-door meeting held at the Presidency was meant to create a fair platform for attracting direct trade and foreign investments to Ghana through collaborative Public-Private Partnership (PPP) programs with the National House of Chiefs, and henceforward to source funding to embark on communal development projects in various communities. The delegation, led by Her Ladyship Lilian Afreh-Sika Boateng, told Mr. Akwasi Awuah Ababio during the meeting that the vision of WODIF is to incorporate with governments in Africa to augment PPP initiatives to achieve policies set to speed economic growth and development. Mr. Awuah, in his speech, said the government is committed to Public-Private Partnership and is hoping to widen the scope to engage many willingly to come on board to support government policies to deliver a project or a service traditionally provided by the public sector. Her Ladyship Lilian Afreh-Sika Boateng was pragmatically emphatic on issues about PPP expatiation regarding the government’s decision to widen the scope of its relationship with the private sector, just as it is highly practiced by the American government to achieve its political goals.
The World Diplomatic Federation (WODIF) and subordinated organizations like the Global Heritage Foundation and Africa Traditional Rulers Assembly for Economic Parity are poised to create a fairer and better relationship between government and traditional rulers, known as custodians of the lands. They must be empowered with vested authorities to embark on primary developmental goals for the good of their communities. WODIF has a series of programs and projects that need government attention for collaboration and partnership. Given this, WODIF has instituted the “FESTIVAL OF CROWNS” and “CROWN TO THE KINGDOM” to attract trade and investments to Africa through the efforts of the Kings and Paramount Chiefs. This event will call for sub-regional cooperation between kingdoms and might necessitate unification and affiliation towards a common goal. This festival would be celebrated thrice in several countries every year to attract direct trade and investments to Africa. It will necessitate preserving our history, Culture, and tradition, as memories of the events will not put Africa behind time. Africa’s generation has depleted in knowledge about our history, Culture, and tradition, diverting from the precepts of the forefathers. The divulgence of Africa falling apart is forgetfulness of who we are and what we stand for, thus swaying our ethics and conscience of our capabilities to stand tall.
The FESTIVAL OF CROWNS will be celebrated in foreign countries to attract opportunities elsewhere, possible for monumental projects to develop Africa. The CROWN TO THE KINGDOM will be a form of appreciation to commemorate those who have supported Africa in various ways. This means Africa will be indebted to individuals, corporate societies, and countries for an appreciable ceremony dubbed “CROWN TO THE KINGDOM.”
Consequentially, the event scheduled to take place in Georgia, Atlanta, will place African culture and tradition on a higher pedestal. It will be a great opportunity at the week of AFRICAN MAGIC FESTIVAL and FASHION FAIR, which will be seen as a medium for trading our languages, norms, models, and clothing. The participating African countries will collaboratively showcase everything African during the event. The season will allow the African audience to sell out their own since the event will be made for Africa to showcase everything African.
The leadership had officially requested a presidential launch of the event at the Presidency, seeking the officiating presence of the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs and National House of Chiefs to grace the occasion before the event takes off in the United States.
Mr. Awuah, at the Office of the President, assured the Emissary Council members of massive government support to make the US-AFRICA COMPANIONSHIP soiree memorable, distinctive, and attractive in due course. Her Noble Lady Abigail Sena Sosu and Senior Emissary Reuben Amartey Amah thanked the government for the assurance and hoped to collaborate towards the upcoming event.