Police man got his ear chopped off by Arise Ghana Demonstrators

The Arise Ghana Demonstration went on yesterday after permission was granted by the Accra High Court. The demonstration started yesterday morning at 10 a.m. and is supposed to end by 12 p.m.
The protest was held around “Obra Spot” and “Kwame Nkrumah interchange” in Accra.
Hence, Ghanaian police officers were notified to be involved in the protest, to ensure a peaceful demonstration by citizens.
According to reports, a police officer was injured while ensuring a peaceful riot from protestors. The protesters angrily attacked these officers with stones while they were doing their work, leading to one officer getting injured.
In an interview with Sunrise radio, police public officer Theophilus Agyeman explained that one of the affected police officers during the Rise Ghana Demonstration is newly recruited officer.
“12 of our men were attacked with a newly recruited officer having his ear chopped off. It’s very sad when the people you plan to protect turn against you,” he explained.
Ghanaian youth were protesting over the high prices of fuel, e-levy taxes, high police brutality and economic hardship in the country.
We wish the injured police officers a speedy recovery and to those who were also affected by the inactions of the Ghana police, we wish them well.
By: Michael Djan
French Tutor and Digital Marketing Blogger/Content Writer and GhanaWeb Professional Reporter/ frencheducationgh.com
Source: Michael Djan