Please help me out; I rely on Oxygen – YOLO star Drogba cries

Famous Ghanaian YOLO actor Drogba has disclosed that due to a number of severe medical issues, he is currently reliant on breathing machine.
In a heartfelt update to the public, Drogba shared that he has now been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, the reason he now uses breathing machine.
In a post on Instagram on Friday, August 9, he wrote: “Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep.
It can cause a person to stop breathing for short periods, which can occur multiple times throughout the night.
This can lead to poor sleep quality, fatigue, and other health problems.”
The CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine which is the breathing machine helps to keeps his airways open while asleep to allow him receive the oxygen he needs.
This new health disorder adds up to his Demyelination which he was diagnosed with few months back.
Donate to support Drogba’s treatment via Access Bank with account name, John Bredu Peasah and account number; 0441628321091 or MoMo via 0501203871 and 0535934031 with name John Bredu Peasah.