Physician Assistants in Public Health facilities will from Monday, 10 September 2018 withdraw Out Patient Department (OPD) services across hospitals.
In a communique, the health professionals said the move has become necessary because government represented by the Ministry of Health and its implementing agencies such as the Ghana Health Service and National Health Insurance Authority have not shown any commitment to resolve their numerous problems.
The concerns they want government addressed include: Salary discrepancies among cadres of the same professional, obsolete job description, career progression/advancement/specialisation for physician assistants, condition of service and appointments of physician assistants as heads of health centers and sub districts.
The others are; accreditation status of College of Health, Kintampo, internship allowances, financial clearance for both public and private trained Physician assistants an NHIS medicine list.
The group issued a threat three weeks ago and threatened to withdraw their services by Monday, 10 September if they were not addressed.
The group said they will not rescind the decision until all their concerns have been fully addressed.
Source: Ghana/