Otchere-Darko reveals brains behind ‘Year of Return’ initiative

A leading member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and cousin to President Nana Akufo-Addo, Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, has named some individuals behind the ‘Year of Return’ initiative.
Taking to his facebook page, Mr Otchere-Darko chronicled how the initiative was birthed and the pains taken to ensure its implementation.
In his post, he commended Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Tourism Authority, Mr Akwasi Agyeman and Mr Diallo Sumbry, Chief Executive Officer of Adinkra Group for being the brains behind the ‘Year of Return’ initiative that has greatly exposed Ghana to the world.
He also thanked President Akufo-Addo for giving the initiative the presidential approval it needed to become successful.
Read full details of his post below:
Akwasi Agyeman is the mighty drive behind “Year of Return” – a series of events this year that has connected Africa to the African Diaspora perhaps more than any initiative in the past and has positioned Ghana as the spot to which to return. Already, the organisers of this fantastic initiative are thinking what next Beyond the Return.
After the Back 2 Africa last Feb, Diallo and Akwasi set to work on using the upcoming 400 years anniversary of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade as a key marketing push in the US, especially.
To promote this, they organised an East Coast Tour in March 2019 and met with key opinion formers on what they called at the time: the Homecoming 2019 project.
Back home in Ghana, other groups like Panafest, were also working on Panafest 2019 with a theme around the 400 years.
Akwasi seized the opportunity and met with the Panafest Foundation, the Adinkra Group and invited the Diaspora Affairs Office at the Office of the President, Jubilee, to be part of this collaborative effort. It paid off.
It was at this meeting of conscious heads that the whole Year or Return thing crystalised. They agreed to the ff. That:
1) they align and work together
2) the name “Homecoming” conflicted with the ” Homecoming Summit” which is organised biennially by the Diaspora Affairs.
3) they agreed to form a steering committee, which came up with the name “Year of Return”, after a brainstorming session.
GTA then set up an inhouse Year of Return secretariat working under the CEO as the cordinator.
Gaddy Laryea, one of Ghana’s foremost marketing gurus, and marketing consultant to Panafest played a key role on the steering committee.
Members of the steering committee, who worked day and night to make this Year of Return such a great success must be mentioned for praise:
Akwasi Ababio – Chairman
Gaddy Laryea – Vice Chairman
Akwasi Agyeman – Coordinator
Prof. Esi Sutherland Addy
Rabbi Kohain
Diallo Sumbry
Ben Anane Nsiah
Roberta Dawson Amoah
The Manager of the Secretariat is Anabelle Mackanzie, a returnee appointed by GTA.
Along the way, they brought on board other agencies and expanded the committee to include Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Immigration, the Du-Bois Center, etc.
Special mention must go to Catherine Afeku, who as Tourism Minister, gave the Year of Return all the zealous push and focus it needed. Her successor, Barbara Oteng-Gyasi also picked up the baton and ran with it.
Indeed, the President of the Republic immediately saw the idea to be a potential winner and gave it the presidential seal of approval by being the main ambassador for it, touring the US and the Caribbean to promote the Year of Return.
Indeed, so successful has it been that the President has to allow visas to be issued on arrival since the embassies, particularly in US, could not cope with applications for visa.
Akwasi Agyeman and his team have done remarkably well. He is my Man of the Year. Oh, he is also a Gunner!