
One arrested after rampaging soldiers brutalized Anwiankwanta taxi drivers

One person has been arrested by Anwiankwanta Police after soldiers went on rampage and lashed taxi drivers at Anwiankwanta Taxi rank in the Bekwai Municipality of the Ashanti Region.

The suspect who is the driver of the Sprinter bus whose actions sparked the whole confusion according to the police who confirmed his arrest to MyNewsGh.com, will assist them in identifying the rampaging soldiers who meted out violence to the unprovoked drivers and left them with various degrees of injuries

MyNewsGh.com last Saturday reported that uniformed military men stormed the Anwiankwanta taxi rank and beat up the drivers following a confusion between a sprinter driver and taxi drivers in the area.

The Sprinter driver according to report attempted to load passengers at the taxi rank when there was a vehicle on scale loading.

The driver of the Sprinter bus was therefore prevented from loading but he insisted, sparking the confusion before the about 20 uniformed military men were called in because the bus belonged to one them and beat the poor drivers to pulp.

Local GPRTU chairman Akwasi Boateng and the Anwiankwanta police have both confirmed the arrest to Pure Fm’s Osei Kwadwo after an official complaint was lodged.

Meanwhile, the Military High Command is demanding that the police arrest the soldiers and allow them face the full rigours of the law as per their training they were not supposed to conduct themselves in such a manner.


Source: mynewsgh.com

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