Okuapemhene fines sub-chiefs 30 sheep, GH¢100,000 for destooling Mankrado without his consent

According to Ofie TV reporter, Nana Ayeh, the group, consisting of Abusua Panin Kwaku Asare of Obosomase and ten others stripped the Mankrado of his chieftaincy status through the slaughter of animals and libations, falsely claiming that the Okuapehene had ordered the destoolment.
“Abusuapanin Kwaku Asare went for some media houses and granted them an interview saying that the Okuapehene has given him the nod to destool the Mankrado, so they performed their rituals and poured libation to that effect and stripped off the man from his chieftaincy status,” the reporter said.
Nana Ayeh further explained that the Okuapehene then summoned the said individuals for interrogation at his palace, and upon interrogation, Abusuapanin Kwaku Asare and his accomplices admitted to their offense.
According to him, the Abusua Panin conceded that the destoolment was executed without the chief’s knowledge and accepted responsibility for his actions.
“So, the Abusuapanin and his accomplices are the ones who came to beg the Chief and at the end, he agreed to forgive them but on the condition that they bring 30 sheep, GH100,000, and 10 boxes of schnapps. So, they had to go and look for people to come and plead on their behalf, and at the end, they agreed on GH¢ 50,000, 20 sheep, and the five boxes of schnapps.”
Source: www.ghanaweb.com