Ofankor murder: Angry residents burn down ‘killer’ landlord’s property

Property of the landlord believed to have murdered his tenant has been burnt down by some youth in his neighbourhood.
The two bedroom house located at Ofankor, in Accra, was set ablaze by angry youth who besieged the premises after the cold murder.
The destroyed property is the same house in which the deceased lived.
Out of frustration at the gruesome act, the youth who spoke to GhanaWeb said they ruined landlord Victor Stephen Nana Kankam’s house because they were pained by his inhumanity.
One of them who spoke off camera also said “when we got here, Victor Stephen Nana Kankam had gone into hiding. He does not live in the house that we burnt. He has purposely dedicated the house we burnt for rent. We went to his private residence so we could deal with him but he had also called his team to his rescue.”
On Sunday, May 24 2002, a landlord allegedly murdered his tenant at Ofankor in the greater Accra region.
The police say the landlord shot and killed the ‘musician’ tenant over a woman.
Victor Stephen Nana Kankam according to police extract, shot budding musician Spark Benjamine who was rushed to the police station with multiple injuries.
The victim was subsequently rushed to the Police Hospital but he was pronounced dead on arrival.
DSP George Asare, the district commander and his team who went to the crime scene said they saw a pool of blood at the entrance of the deceased’s rented apartment.
The suspect has been detained to assist the police in their investigations.
The body was deposited at the police hospital mortuary for preservation and autopsy.
Source: www.ghanaweb.com