Nurse Kills Doctor Girlfriend For Giving Him Coronavirus -PHOTO

A NURSE who strangled his doctor girlfriend told police he did it because she gave him coronavirus.

Newly qualified medic Lorena Quaranta, 27, was found dead by cops after her partner Antonio De Pace called them to say he had murdered her. Both had been working in a local hospital in Messina, on the Italian island of Sicily, and were drafted in to help out with the coronavirus pandemic.

Cops burst into their apartment after De Pace, 28, called to confess that he had murdered Lorena.

Paramedics were called when the police found him on the floor of his apartment having cut his wrists.

Lorena’s colleagues at the hospital were able to save her boyfriend’s life.

De Pace was later taken to local prosecutor Maurizio de Lucia where he told stunned investigators: “I killed her because she gave me coronavirus.”

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