NSS persons threaten strike over unpaid allowances

The group wants all personnel to lay down their tools on Monday, May 30, 2022, after its failed attempts to get the secretariat to pay their allowances.
“Upon the many attempts to draw the attention of the National Service Scheme to our plight but yet to no avail, the organizers of the Concerned National Service Personnel write to you to vacate your post and withdraw from every work you are rendering under the directive of the National Service Scheme at your user-agency effective Monday, 30th May 2022.”
“As part of the measures set in place to demand for, there is going to be a press conference and a peaceful demonstration on Monday, 30th May 2022, in Cape Coast, Central Region.
‘We encourage all National Service Personnel in the country to comply with this directive as it is our right to demand justice.
National Service Persons earlier lamented the non-payment of their allowances since the beginning of their service in November last year.
The scheme has however paid their February allowances but is yet to pay for the last three months.
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