News Africa

Nigerian senator pleads for forgiveness over s*x shop fight

Elisha Abbo, 41, a Nigerian senator who hit a woman in a sex toy shop in the capital, Abuja, has apologised, saying: “I have never been known or associated with such actions in the past.”

On Tuesday, CCTV footage that showed the senator hitting the shop assistant was published by online newspaper Premium Times. Mr Abbo’s apparent conduct has been widely condemned.

The senator told the BBC that the video had been “doctored”, he said a part where he was attacked by the woman had been cut out.

Reading out the apology to journalists, Mr Abbo said: “Regardless of what transpired prior to my expression of anger, I am sincerely sorry and plead that all men and women of good conscience should have the heart to forgive me.”

He added that the episode had taught him a “very great lesson, [both] as a private citizen and a public officer, particularly as a senator”.

On Wednesday the police said they were investigating the incident and had been in touch with the victim.

The senate also condemned the action of the lawmaker, and set up a committee to look into what had happened.

Mr Abbo, who seemed to break down in tears while reading his apology, is currently the youngest senator in Nigeria’s upper chamber.



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