Nigerian gov’t mulls revamping of primary, secondary healthcare

Nigeria will soon begin the implementation of a guideline to have all states registered for the basic healthcare provision fund, according to the minister of health Isaac Adewole.

Adewole told the Nigerian Senate on Tuesday that the implementation would be sooner than expected when he appeared to speak on the plight of teaching hospitals across the country.

The basic health care provision fund is coming into place after its approval by the National Assembly in 2018.

It is one percent of the Federal Government’s consolidated revenue and contributions from grants created to fund the basic health needs of Nigerians.

The guideline for this fund, developed by the ministry of health, will reduce dependency on tertiary healthcare centers, the official said.

The scheme is structured in a way to ensure that only 10 percent of Nigerians visit tertiary health institutions which will only be expected to receive referrals and manage complicated cases.

The health minister explained that the fund was structured in a way that money would flow from Central Bank of Nigeria to the primary healthcare facilities, bypassing all obstacles.

“And last week, we succeeded in moving out funds from the Central Bank to the agencies and from the agencies, it will go to the primary healthcare,” he said.

The scheme, he added, would allow for free ante-natal care, free delivery, malaria treatment, screening for tuberculosis, hypertension, and diabetes.

So far, 22 out of the 36 states in Nigeria have subscribed to the scheme, with more coming on board.



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